retirement savings tools

HSAs – Powerful Retirement Saving Tools

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are designed as tax-advantaged savings vehicles for funding uninsured healthcare expenses. But for those in relatively good health, they also may serve as attractive retirement saving …

renting to family

Renting to family members?

Helping your financially challenged family members by renting them a property can be fraught with tax perils. A misstep can lead to the loss of significant tax deductions. Here’s a …

independent contractor

Independent Contractors: Handle With Care

Many businesses use independent contractors to help keep costs down and provide flexibility for short-term needs.  If you’re among those businesses, be careful that these workers are properly classified for federal …

day camp

Tax Breaks for Kid’s Day Camp

Among the many challenges of parenthood is what to do with your kids when school lets out. Babysitters are one option, or you might consider sending them to a day …

nanny tax

Do I have to pay a nanny tax?

The “nanny tax” must be paid for nannies and other household workers. If you employ a household worker who isn’t an independent contractor, you may be required to withhold from the worker’s …